Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This is Hard!!

Breaking old habits is soooo hard. And it seems like there are so many things out there wanting to thwart your goals. I sat down to play my cello and started tuning it and the string broke!! How stupid is that? So it took me a while to put a string back on and then tune it and then.....of course, it was time to go pick up Ben from band practice! So, no practicing for me today with all the other things on my schedule. And I seriously was so close to giving in and having hot chocolate. I think you go through withdrawals even with chocolate.
So day one is over and hopefully it's going to get easier and easier.


readerMom said...

I feel I am perpetually at day one. I finally decided to just do one thing at a time and really focus on it because several at once just wasn't happening.
I'm already good at blogging, so my next thing was scriptures and journal. I was good for a while but summer has messed me up again.
I'm very grateful for repentance;)

Trisha said...

BUT!!! I did see you swimming in the early morning hours! And remember sister Hinkley said, "it is better to have tried and failed then to never have tried at all". I love that women!