Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Compromise Helps

Okay, two days now. I did go swimming yesterday and do my usual farm work that I think counts as aerobic exercise. I've decided on some things, like food and love, compromise is important. compromise with hot chocolate (I just can't start the day without it) is that I use "healthy" sugar (just dehydrated cane juice) and then limit myself to one cup a day. I seem to be happier this way.
One of my chickens died yesterday. It was really bizarre, chickens are bizarre creatures. It had been out all night and I think attacked by a cat or something so it had a little cut. The other hens (before I knew about it) tore at her feathers around it on her head until she was completely bald! They go into killing frenzy when they see blood I guess and by evening she was a goner. So sad! What's so ironic is that she dies because of a gash in her neck but my other hen survives having her leg bitten off! Go figure.
Speaking of figures....I'm still at it, improving my figure that is.
Thanks to everyone who reads this and comments, I really appreciate the support!!


Sammee said...

Have any of your chickens ever pulled a "psycho" on you? When I was younger we had this white rooster named the Colonel. He HATED men so he used to sit up in the trees in the backyard and wait for a guy to walk underneath him, then he would fly down screaching and clucking and flapping and chase after whomever the poor soul was that he'd picked to try and peck to death that day:).

Mind Madam said...

I'm pulling for you, Sweetie! If you decide to be bad, don't do it for food! Ha! I love reading your blogs!
