Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I don't have the farm of my dreams but I have come to realize that I need to make do.
I do have 2/3 of an acre which includes garden space and pasture. I have two chicken coops with twelve or so hens and one Silkie rooster that acts like a fop. (A fop, which I only recently learned, means "a man who is excessively vain and concerned about his dress, appearance, and manners.")
I just got 20 meat chickens this morning. They are so cute when they are babies! My almost-eleven-year old, Matthew, cautioned against becoming too attached to them, knowing the end from the beginning. He calls them the "yum chickens" and he is right. They are down right delicious once they are all plump and ready to "harvest." (And pretty ugly too.)
I just ordered four ducks which will be the herdees for my Border Collie as he learns to be the herder. You start with ducks because they have a flock or herd mentality like sheep to stay in groups. But they are a bit easier to manage. (And very cute by the way.) And no, I'm not planning on any Duck L'Orange.
Basically what I have come to understand is that even if the farm girl is not in the country, she can bring the country to her. And that is my goal. So, join me on my front porch and we'll chat about my blossoming urban farm.
Watch for forthcoming photos, ideas, recipes and just plain farm girl thoughts.

1 comment:

readerMom said...

Have you read a book called Farm City? It is about a woman who farms in a downtown, very large city. I think you would like it.