Monday, April 28, 2008

New Endangered Species: The Rooster

I just found out that a neighbor of mine isn't happy with our rooster. Never mind that he didn't come to me and tell me and that I had to learn this "through the grape vine." He was probably just being polite. He claims that our rooster wakes him up at 5 in the morning with his crowing. I have to admit, Felix does start crowing at 5 in the morning and doesn't really stop until evening. There's a few breaks here and there and frankly, I love to hear him crowing. But unfortunately, most people do not. Which is why the rooster is soon to become an endangered species. After all, you don't need a rooster to get eggs, just chicks.
For me perhaps the crowing of a rooster is wrapped up in nostalgia. The farms I have known all had roosters. Or perhaps for me it is an inherited memory of a time long ago when my ancestors raised chickens. Our Swiss side (my ancestory is sort of octagonal so this side is 1/8) were chicken people. I know that because their last name was Hunerwadel and their family crest was a rooster on a crescent moon. "Huner" or "huhner" is the possessive form of chicken as in "chicken's"...... I can't find a translation for "wadel" although "wade" means a "calf" so perhaps "Hunderwadel" means "chicken leg." Kind of loses it's beauty in the translation, doesn't it?
I come by this chicken thing honestly. But honestly, why are there so many people that are bothered by a rooster crowing? Is it because it's so early? Is my neighbor really awoken by the rooster, or does he wake up as we quite naturally do toward morning and then hear it? What am I to do with my poor rooster that no one wants? Can you surgically remove a rooster's voice box? What is it in his programming that tells him it's morning even when it is not yet light out? Is there some way to fool him into thinking it's still the dead of night? Most of you probably won't have answers. Just sympathy and that is enough for me.

1 comment:

Mind Madam said...

SAVE FELIX MENDELSSOHN!!! He and his beautiful "music" deserve to be heard. If your light-sleeper neighbor hasn't the courage to come to you directly, then Felix deserves to crow!!

I also keep hoping Charley will show up! Something deep within me truly wants that to happen!

What a challenge it has been for you to live a farm life in Farmington!!!

Love you. Yomama