Thursday, February 18, 2010

Blog therapy

I just saw Julie and Julia, the movie that follows the lives of Julie (last name?) and Julia Child. I realized that blogging can be very therapeutic and I think that's just what I need. I'm not into the one sentence headline of Facebook, ie; " baking cookies..." I need to write and express myself more fully and hopefully people will read what I have to say and find it interesting (or weird..or pathetic).
For a long time I was emailing a friend and it was fun to actually put thoughts down knowing that someone was really going to read it and respond. When they stopped responding (I guess they must have thought I was weird or pathetic) I stopped writing my thoughts and feelings.
Every once in a while I get a good idea for a story. Usually a romance, always schmaltzy. I can't get over how sappy the storyline is. Sometimes I lose myself in the action and live more in my story than in real life. Not long ago I spent hours and hours writing a story. I neglected the house and my boys (including Rob and my dog). I was caught up in the story, enjoying the adventures of my heroine. After a week or so I realized that I was having more fun in my heroine's life than in my own. I enjoy movies for the same reason, they are all having an adventure. Their lives always have some meaning and significance. When the movie is over it is hard to get back into real life. It's like the Christmas Eves we would have with the movie camera. My dad would turn on the spotlight and it would be bright and beautiful while he was "filming" us. Then he would turn it off and everything would be dull and dim.
It's time for me to enjoy what I'm doing in real life. To have adventure and live meaningfully.
So it is my quest to fine out what I'm here on this earth to accomplish - and get busy doing it instead of writing about it.

1 comment:

readerMom said...

I would be happy if you kept blogging and sharing your stories.